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Ignazio Santelia
Technical adviser
He was born in Milano in 1960, from neapolitan bloodline, and me inherited for generations of tanning businessmen. When he has only a child, he was enraptured by the charm he discovered in the world of hides processing. During his studies , he professionally grew up in his family-run tanneries, alternating school and practice in the tannery. He devoted his whole life in the world of leather and to its applied chemistry. In the course of mime, he owned tanneries both in italy and abroad, he supervised other tanneries and he professional enriched himself by medium and longtime consultations. Furthermore he explored the world of the realization of handmade leather by crafting for a longtime clothing and bags. Now days, he provides consultations in main companies, directly in tannery, and he carries out agency business of fought hides. Being skilled in processing materials from unrefined to finished, he mainly devotes his activity to the D.F.M. Color, managing the technical section of the company with dedication and professional thanks to his endless passion in this way he succeeds in combining tradition with innovation and eco-sustainability designed and applied process.