About us >>

D.F.M. Color S.r.L. was founded in 1997 due to special needs of the neapolitan market. It developed thanks to the sin’s administrative and commercial dedication.
Giancarlo Petrilli works in this field since more than thirty years. D.F.M. Color guarantees to its customers a free and active technical assistance. Its care activities are based on a high technical and qualitative level, beginning from the damp stage with phase or rough hides.
D.F.M. Color works on various kinds of skins: goat, sheep overcaprine and bovine for the creation if items as gloves, clothing. footwear, leather goods, eccpromisine unconditional satisfaction to its buyers.
The process begins working on rough hides and it en with fine finishing works in case it is necessary.
D.F.M. Color production processed have been developed starting from ancient tanning techniques and from the quality of materials.
Techinical assistance relies on a capable staff which is operating in the tannery field for many decades, mister Ignazio Sant’Elia is correctly the technical consultant.